Phew...finally our second semester is ending soon. Finally everyone can say bye bye to all the assignments for 3 months time till the next semester started. It's getting more tense and stress for all of us during this period. Everyone is busy with assignments and preparing for finals. However things get better when we have understanding lecturer that don't give you assignments in the very last week because they know most of the lecturer did that and this will give students pain in the ass and lead to low quality work.

This semester has it's ups and downs compare to the first semester. During our first semester, most of the quizzes and assignments are strictly based on the reading materials but this semester everything requires creativity and photo-shop, video editing skills and etc.. It was one tough task for me at the beginning but oh well, I have to get my head into it and do it no matter what the consequences are.

This semester there's loads of group assignments which require loads of time spending together to complete it. On a brighter note, this tends to help all of us getting closer and know each other more and also manage to discover each person ability and talent. I finally understood the purposes and motives of the lecturer who gave the assignments to us.

Finally I'm early for class despite of only having 4 hours of sleep. Had chinese tea during yesterday's dinner, guess the caffeine works perfectly at the wrong time. Normally I'll wake up around 630am, today i decided to wake up half an hour earlier just to cook myself breakfast and sitting down to enjoy it. 

Start my journey to college 30mins earlier, still the fact cant be change, it's jamming already like usual. I tried to drive slowly not to speed, but everyone is doing so, I can't calm myself when i thought of every minutes counts for getting a parking spot at Taylor's. Even if you willing to pay Rm3 for the parking, it doesn't means that you will get a parking because everyone is willing to do so! Le sighs~

However, I am 15 mins earlier for class today. Didn't get to drive slowly but today i did glance at the lake today. =)

People in the city found that its hard to slow down every moves, this is true. Influence play a big role in it, whenever you try, there's people surrounding will rush you or you might feel the pressure from them and speed up and this is the reason why Bali, Phuket, Redang island gain their tourist. A getaway...